Claire Cowie

Claire Cowie uses a variety of media to reference the natural world around her home in Seattle, as well as around the world. Cowie utilizes symbols of the natural world such as birds, insects, and a variety of plant-life, as well as heavily using the negative space in a work. By using watercolor and ink in the areas around her subject Cowie references the fragmentation between the natural world and us, as well as of memory. The colors and shapes in her work create dream-like landscapes that pull in characteristics of urban architecture.

 Claire Cowie lives and works in Seattle, Washington, where she is a lecturer at the University of Washington. Cowie attended both the North Carolina School of the Arts (Winston-Salem, NC) and Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO). She received her MFA from the University of Washington (Seattle, WA). Cowie’s work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally, including shows at the Henry Art Gallery (Seattle, WA), Takeda Biennial (Oaxaca, Mexico), Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma, WA), Frye Art Museum (Seattle, WA), Shenzhen Art Institute (Shenzhen, China) and the Art Gym at Marylhurst University (Lake Oswego, OR). Her work is included in the collections of the Henry Art Gallery (Seattle, WA), Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA), Safeco (Seattle, WA), and Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma, WA), among others.

"The Smokestacks," 2004
"The Factories" 2004
"The Fence" 2004
"The Red River" 2004
"Meerkat Tree" 2006
"Meerkatscape," 2006
"The Ride" 2006
"Rhinoceros" 2006
"12 Views (Pink Tree)" 2008
"12 Views (Rainbow)" 2008
"12 Views (Glacier)" 2008
"12 Views (Bridge)" 2008
"Dead Reckoning," 2010
"Lost and Found" 2011
"Mind Map" 2012
"North Beacon Hill No. 2" 2014
"South Beacon Hill No. 2" 2014
"North Beacon Hill #1," 2014
"Seward Park No. 2" 2014
“Central District No. 1,” 2014
“Ribbons” 2017
“Cairn (for Tabitha)” 2017
“Granddaughter's Pride” 2018
“Cairn (for paulalights)” 2018
“For the beauty of the earth” 2024
“I’ll tell you how the Sun rose (after E. D.)” 2024
“Nocturne” 2024
“Strabismus” 2024
"Not Waving" 2024
"Dusk" 2024
"Silence" 2013
"Father Mother"  2013
"Boy with Blue Hat" 2002
“Imperfect Vessel No. 13” 2020
“Imperfect Vessel No. 5” 2020
“Self-Portrait (Blind)” 2019
“Self-Portrait” 2002
“Pallas” 2016
“The Game” 2020
“The Storm” 2009
“Stranded: Raven and Egret” 2010
“Waiting (Ship)” 2012
"Orange Smoke" 2004
“The Root System” 2004
"Two Rabbits in Dresses" 2019
"Mind Map III" 2019
"Celebration" 2019
"Traveller (Camel, Rooster stacked)" 2015-2018
"Traveller (Penguin)" 2015-2018
"Reverse Target Star 2" 2018
"Brake" 2018
Traveler (man with elephant), 2015
Traveler (cat with dog), 2015
Traveler (penguin), 2015
"The Path" 2004
"The Lone Boat" 2004
"Homunculus Sketch, Girl with Moose" 2007
"12 Views (Bonsai)" 2008
"12 Views (Pink Tree)" 2008
"12 Views (Man on Mule)" 2008
“Ribbons” 2017
“Cairn (for paulalights)” 2018
"Daughter's Pride" 2018
"New Holly No. 2" 2014
"South Beacon Hill No. 3" 2014
"Seward Park No. 2" 2014
"Central District No. 1" 2014
"North Beacon Hill No. 2" 2014
"New Holly No. 1" 2014
"Judkins Park No. 1" 2014
"Spring Village" 2008
"Traveler (camel rooster stack)" 2015
"Security Blanket: The Guard" 2016
"Nice Does" 2017
"Nice Doesn't" 2017