Fay Jones

Fay Jones’ work conveys the intimacy of mind, emotion, and spirituality. As a whole, Jones’ paintings echo a tremendous sense of humanity. The pieces meld figures, animals and symbols to conjure up existential meaning of human experience. Her characters become signifiers, representing the watery depth of the unconscious.

Fay Jones received a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1957. Awards she has received include the Joan Mitchell Painters and Sculptors grant in 2013, the Seattle Art Museum’s 2006 Poncho Artist of the Year award, grants from the NEA in 1983 and 1990, the Washington State Arts Commission in 1984, and La Napoli Art Foundation in 1989. Her work has been extensively collected in the Northwest, and is included in the collections of the Portland Art Museum and the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in Oregon, and the Seattle Art Museum and the Tacoma Art Museum in Washington, as well as the Cities of Seattle and Portland. Major exhibitions include a 2007 retrospective at the Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University, a 1997 traveling retrospective with the Boise Art Museum, and exhibitions at the Portland Art Museum, the Seattle Art Museum, the Museum of Northwest Art in La Conner, WA, the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, and the Palm Springs Desert Museum in California.

“Self-Portrait on a Sting Ray Bicycle” 1966
“Milltown Exit” 1984
“Tragic and Comedic Queens” 1984
“Demi-Mondaine” 1989
Body Fires (triptych), 1991
“Touch & Go” (triptych), 1991
“Self Portrait: Braque Boxing” 1992
“Two Pools: Riddle and Ghosts” 1992
Gifts 1992
"Meat" 1996
“Shades” 1997
"Flora and Fauna (Diptych)" 2002
“Sea Dog, the Sentry” 2015
"Sono, the Sentinel" 2015
"Date Night" 2016
"Coming Ashore" 2016
"The Monkey Makes No Waves" 2016
"Be Careful What You Wish For" 2016
"Adrift" 2016
“Memento Mori” 2019
“Territorial Landscape: Dark Clouds” 2019
"The Sky Was Falling" 2019
"Insomnia" 2023
"Windblown" 2023
“Lay Those Ghosts to Rest” 2023
“Lay Those Ghosts to Rest” 2023
"Separation" 2023
"Stage Set" 2023
"Storm Warning" 2019
"Post-Op" 1998
"Water on Water" 1998
"Inside Out" 2023
"Novice/Therapist" 2004
"Volcanoes" 2024
"Rose" 2024
“Luminarias” 2024
"Imprint" 2024
“Dreaming of the Sea” 2024
“Dreamer with a Mixed Flock” 2024
"A Family" 2024
"Blue Critter Tree" 2007
"Spin" 1997
"Suspense" 1995
"The Conductor" 1997
"Dusk" 2019
“Nuevo Zapato Rojo” 2019
“Boy, Red Cricket” 2005
“Blue Eddy” 2000
“Siblings” 2000
“Incline” 2005